Along with favorite blankets, teddy bears, and nap time, thumb sucking can be one of the most comforting aspects of childhood. According to a recent report, between 75% and 95% of infants suck their thumbs, so chances are there’s a thumb sucker (or a former thumb sucker) in your family. Is this cause for worry?

In most cases, the answer is no. However, it’s important to pay attention to your child’s habits in case his or her behavior has the potential to affect overall oral health.


Most children begin sucking their thumbs or fingers from a very young age; many even start inside the womb. Sucking is a natural reflex for an infant and it serves an important purpose. Sucking often provides a sense of security and contentment for a young one. It can also be relaxing, which is why many children suck their thumbs as they fall asleep.

According to the American Dental Association, most children stop thumb sucking on their own between the ages of two and four. They simply grow out of a habit that is no longer useful to them. However, some children continue sucking beyond the preschool years (although studies show that the older a child gets, the lower the chances are of continuing the habit). If your child is still sucking when his or her permanent teeth start to erupt, it may be time to take action to break the habit.


First, take note of how your child sucks his or her thumb. If the sucking is passive, with the thumb gently resting inside the mouth, it is less likely to cause damage. If, on the other hand, the thumb sucking is aggressive, placing pressure on the mouth or teeth, the habit may cause problems with tooth alignment and proper mouth growth. Extended sucking affects both the teeth and the shape of the face and may lead to a need for orthodontic treatment in the future.

If at any time you suspect your child’s thumb sucking may be affecting his or her oral health, please give us a call and schedule a visit. We can help you assess the situation.


Should you need to help your child end the habit, follow these guidelines:

  1. Always be supportive and positive. Instead of punishing your child for thumb sucking, give praise when he or she doesn’t.
  2. Put a band-aid on your child’s thumb or a sock over the hand at night. Let your little one know that this is not a punishment, but rather a way to help remember to avoid sucking.
  3. Start a progress chart and let your child put a sticker up every day that he or she doesn’t suck. If your child makes it through a week without sucking, he or she gets to choose a prize. When the whole month is full, reward your child with something great (a toy or new video game); by then the habit should be over. Making your child an active participant in his or her treatment will increase the willingness to break the habit.
  4. If you notice your child sucking when he or she is anxious, work on alleviating the anxiety rather than focusing on the thumb sucking.
  5. Take note of the times your child tends to suck (long car rides, while watching movies) and create diversions during these occasions.
  6. Explain clearly what might happen to the teeth if he or she keeps thumb sucking.

Whatever your method, always remember that your child needs your support and understanding during the process of breaking the habit of thumb sucking.

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Entendemos su necesidad de recibir tratamiento en una oficina dental que lo haga sentir confortable, seguro y bienvenido. Por favor reserve su cita o visite nuestra oficina para conocerla y aprender más sobre los servicios que proveemos. 

Para nuestros especialistas es una prioridad educar sus niños acerca de los beneficios de tener unos dientes y encías sanas para que pueda disfrutar de una sonrisa que dure para toda la vida.

Nuestra oficina cuenta con equipos de última tecnología dental, incluyendo procedimientos sin dolor con laser. Para ayudar a los niños a eliminar sus miedos a lo desconocido, hemos creado una atmósfera relajante que les permite disfrutar sus programas de televisión favoritos, leer y jugar en uno de los varios iPads con los que contamos en el área de juegos, etc. 

Algunos de los servicios que proveemos incluye: tratamientos de láser sin dolor, cuidado de rutina y preventivo, rayos x, aplicacion de fluor y sellantes, extracciones, etc. Nos esforzamos para detectar y tratar los problemas de manera temprana para ayudarle a su niño a desarrollar buenos hábitos de salud oral y que reciba el excelente cuidado que se merece. 

Para hacer una cita llame nuestra oficina al (813) 991-5300


É um prazer ter você aqui, eu sou brasileiro e tenho assistentes brasileiras, por isso prestamos um serviço personalizado para a comunidade brasileira aqui na Flórida.

Entendemos sua necessidade de receber tratamento em um consultório odontológico que o faça se sentir confortável, seguro e bem-vindo. Por favor, reserve sua consulta ou visite nosso consultório para conhecê-lo e aprender mais sobre os serviços que oferecemos.

Para nossos especialistas, é uma prioridade educar seus filhos sobre os benefícios de ter dentes e gengivas saudáveis para que possam desfrutar de um sorriso que dure por toda a vida.

Nosso consultório conta com equipamentos de última geração em tecnologia dental, incluindo procedimentos indolores com laser. Para ajudar as crianças a eliminar seus medos do desconhecido, criamos uma atmosfera relaxante que permite a eles desfrutar de seus programas de televisão favoritos, ler e jogar em um dos vários iPads que temos na área de jogos, etc.

Alguns dos serviços que oferecemos incluem: tratamentos a laser sem dor, cuidado de rotina e preventivo, raio-x, aplicação de flúor e selantes, extrações, etc. Nos esforçamos para detectar e tratar problemas de maneira precoce para ajudar seu filho a desenvolver bons hábitos de saúde bucal e receber o excelente cuidado que merece.

Para fazer uma consulta, ligue para nosso consultório no (813) 991-5300.