Congratulations on the arrival of your baby! Are you prepared for the arrival of your baby’s first tooth? Follow these guidelines and your son or daughter will be on the way to a lifetime of healthy smiles!


Even before your baby’s first tooth appears, the gums can benefit from your careful attention. After breast- or bottle-feeding, wrap one finger with a clean, damp washcloth or piece of gauze and gently rub it across your baby’s gum tissue. This practice both clears your little one’s mouth of any fragments of food and begins the process for building good daily oral care habits.


When that first tooth makes an entrance, it’s time to upgrade to a baby toothbrush. There are usually two options: a long-handled toothbrush that you and your baby can hold at the same time, and a finger-puppet-like brush that fits over the tip of your pointer finger. In each case, the bristles are soft and few.

At this stage, toothpaste isn’t necessary; just dip the brush in water before brushing. If your little one doesn’t react well to the introduction of a toothbrush, don’t give up. Switch back to a damp washcloth for a few months and try the toothbrush again. During the teething process, your child will want to chew on just about anything, and a baby toothbrush with a teether can become a favorite toy during this period.


When a few more teeth appear, you can start using toothpaste with your child’s brush. At this stage, use only a tiny amount of fluoridated toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice). From the beginning, have your little one practice spitting the toothpaste out after brushing, which should not be swallowed at any age.


Don’t give your baby any sort of sweetened liquids such as flavored drinks or soda. Even the sugars present in fruit juice, formula, and milk (this goes for breast milk as well) can cause decay, so regular teeth and gum cleaning is vital. Also, make sure your baby never goes to bed with a bottle; sugary liquids in prolonged contact with teeth are a guarantee for early-childhood decay, also called baby-bottle caries.


It’s recommended that you bring your baby in for a visit within six months of the first tooth’s eruption – usually around his or her first birthday. Since decay can occur in even the smallest of teeth, the earlier your baby visits us, the more likely he or she is to avoid problems. We’ll look for any signs of early problems with your baby’s oral heath, and check in with you about the best way to care for your little one’s teeth. Remember that preparing for each dental visit with a positive attitude goes a long way toward making your child comfortable with regular checkups.


As part of the natural learning process, little ones are expert mimics, and you can take advantage of this talent. Brush and floss daily while your child is watching, and he or she will intuit at an early age the importance of your good habits. As soon as your child shows interest, offer a toothbrush of his or her own and encourage your toddler to “brush” with you. (You’ll find toothbrushes with chunky, short handles that are easy to grip.) Most children don’t have the dexterity necessary to thoroughly clean their own teeth until they’re about six or seven, so you’ll have to do that part of the job. Try different tactics to make brushing fun: flavored toothpaste, a toothbrush with a favorite character on it, or singing songs about brushing. The primary goal is to instill healthy oral habits at an early age to set your child up for a lifetime of healthy, cavity-free teeth!

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Entendemos su necesidad de recibir tratamiento en una oficina dental que lo haga sentir confortable, seguro y bienvenido. Por favor reserve su cita o visite nuestra oficina para conocerla y aprender más sobre los servicios que proveemos. 

Para nuestros especialistas es una prioridad educar sus niños acerca de los beneficios de tener unos dientes y encías sanas para que pueda disfrutar de una sonrisa que dure para toda la vida.

Nuestra oficina cuenta con equipos de última tecnología dental, incluyendo procedimientos sin dolor con laser. Para ayudar a los niños a eliminar sus miedos a lo desconocido, hemos creado una atmósfera relajante que les permite disfrutar sus programas de televisión favoritos, leer y jugar en uno de los varios iPads con los que contamos en el área de juegos, etc. 

Algunos de los servicios que proveemos incluye: tratamientos de láser sin dolor, cuidado de rutina y preventivo, rayos x, aplicacion de fluor y sellantes, extracciones, etc. Nos esforzamos para detectar y tratar los problemas de manera temprana para ayudarle a su niño a desarrollar buenos hábitos de salud oral y que reciba el excelente cuidado que se merece. 

Para hacer una cita llame nuestra oficina al (813) 991-5300


É um prazer ter você aqui, eu sou brasileiro e tenho assistentes brasileiras, por isso prestamos um serviço personalizado para a comunidade brasileira aqui na Flórida.

Entendemos sua necessidade de receber tratamento em um consultório odontológico que o faça se sentir confortável, seguro e bem-vindo. Por favor, reserve sua consulta ou visite nosso consultório para conhecê-lo e aprender mais sobre os serviços que oferecemos.

Para nossos especialistas, é uma prioridade educar seus filhos sobre os benefícios de ter dentes e gengivas saudáveis para que possam desfrutar de um sorriso que dure por toda a vida.

Nosso consultório conta com equipamentos de última geração em tecnologia dental, incluindo procedimentos indolores com laser. Para ajudar as crianças a eliminar seus medos do desconhecido, criamos uma atmosfera relaxante que permite a eles desfrutar de seus programas de televisão favoritos, ler e jogar em um dos vários iPads que temos na área de jogos, etc.

Alguns dos serviços que oferecemos incluem: tratamentos a laser sem dor, cuidado de rotina e preventivo, raio-x, aplicação de flúor e selantes, extrações, etc. Nos esforçamos para detectar e tratar problemas de maneira precoce para ajudar seu filho a desenvolver bons hábitos de saúde bucal e receber o excelente cuidado que merece.

Para fazer uma consulta, ligue para nosso consultório no (813) 991-5300.